Saturday, December 14th, 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (California time)
What is Data Science?
There are so many definitions and examples of data science. Join us to talk about what data science is.
We'll also discuss the skills you will need to get a job in this new world of data. Sign up here!
Introduction to Machine Learning Coming in January!
Sign up here!
What problem I am trying to solve?
Attend our free Webinar on Saturday, December 14th at 1:00 p.m. Pacific (California time)
Every data science project starts with a problem someone or some business is trying to solve . So, what is the research question?
Sign up here!
Coming in February!
Introduction to Python Coming in January! Sign up here!
Where and how do I get my data?
Attend our free Webinar on Saturday, December 14th at 3:00 p.m. Pacific (California time)
Before you "wrangle" the data, you need to know where and how to get it. Join us to learn about the different data sources of data and how to extract it for analysis.
Sign up here!
Set up your own lab in Google Cloud. We'll show you how in thie free webinar. Sign up here!